The Intel Core i5-12400F is designed to be 12th Gen "Alder Lake" for the masses who game. At a retail price of just $180, this 6-core/12-thread processor has some pretty big shoes to fill as nearly all its predecessors sold in heaps, from the i5-8400 to the extremely popular i5-9400F, i5-10400F, and, to a lesser extent, i5-11400F. These SKUs have been characterized by a price well under $200, but with the hardware feature-set resembling the top $250280 Core i5 part, albeit with lower clock speeds. With its 12th Gen Core family, however, Intel has fundamentally changed the Core i5 brand.
The new Core i5-12400F isn't just a locked, lower-clocked sibling of the i5-12600K we reviewed last year. In fact, we couldn't simulate this chip by underclocking that one. This is because the i5-12400, i5-12400F, i5-12500, and i5-12600 (non-K) have a different core-configuration from the i5-12600K and i5-12600KF. With "Alder Lake," Intel introduced its Hybrid CPU core architecture to the desktop segment. For the i5-12600K/KF, this meant four "Gracemont" Efficiency cores (or E-cores) besides the six "Golden Cove" Performance cores (or P-cores), along with 20 MB of L3 cache. It turns out that only the i5-12600K/KF feature E-cores in the 12th Gen Core i5 desktop series, while the other SKUs simply lack them.
■ 商品の在庫数や、ご不明な点に関してなどお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
■ 海外にあります当店倉庫より発送させていただきますが、国内アフターサービス拠点がございます。ご安心してご購入いただけます。
The Intel Core i5-12400F is designed to be 12th Gen "Alder Lake" for the masses who game. At a retail price of just $180, this 6-core/12-thread processor has some pretty big shoes to fill as nearly all its predecessors sold in heaps, from the i5-8400 to the extremely popular i5-9400F, i5-10400F, and, to a lesser extent, i5-11400F. These SKUs have been characterized by a price well under $200, but with the hardware feature-set resembling the top $250280 Core i5 part, albeit with lower clock speeds. With its 12th Gen Core family, however, Intel has fundamentally changed the Core i5 brand.
The new Core i5-12400F isn't just a locked, lower-clocked sibling of the i5-12600K we reviewed last year. In fact, we couldn't simulate this chip by underclocking that one. This is because the i5-12400, i5-12400F, i5-12500, and i5-12600 (non-K) have a different core-configuration from the i5-12600K and i5-12600KF. With "Alder Lake," Intel introduced its Hybrid CPU core architecture to the desktop segment. For the i5-12600K/KF, this meant four "Gracemont" Efficiency cores (or E-cores) besides the six "Golden Cove" Performance cores (or P-cores), along with 20 MB of L3 cache. It turns out that only the i5-12600K/KF feature E-cores in the 12th Gen Core i5 desktop series, while the other SKUs simply lack them.
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1. 日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)のご利用で商品到着には一週間から10日間かかっております。
2. 国際eパケットのご利用で商品到着には2週間から1ヶ月間かかっております。
当店はPCパーツ・周辺機器・ドローン周辺を販売する専門ショップです。DRONE POWER TECHNOLOGIESは、日本国内のみならず、海外からの輸入でもできるだけ短納期にて出荷できるよう常に心がけております。当店サイト上に表示されていなくてもお取り寄せ可能な商品もございますので、お問い合わせいただければと存じます。なお、追跡番号付の国際便または国内便で発送しております。