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■生活の都合上お返事できないタイミングがあります。 (There are times when we are unable to reply due to life circumstances.)
■発送期間は「3~7日」にしています。 (The shipping period is set at "3-7days".)
■タバコは吸っていません。 (I do not smoke.)
■動物は飼っていません。 (No animals.)
■香水は使っていません。 (I do not use perfume.)
■病気は症状の程度に関わらず直近から最低でも十年は罹っていません。また今までに大きな病気、たとえば感染症やそれに類する病気などには一度も罹ったことがありません。 (I have not had a disease, regardless of its severity, for at least ten years. I have never had any serious illnesses, such as infectious diseases or similar illnesses.)
■送料は出品者負担(無料)にしています。 (Shipping costs are borne by the seller (free of charge)).
■匿名配送です。 (Anonymous delivery.)
■送料無料や匿名配送になっていなければコメントください。変更します。 (Please comment if you do not have free or anonymous shipping. We will change it.)
■保管は湿気取りと共に暗所にて行っています。 (Storage is done in a dark place along with moisture removal.)
■梱包は防水目的のビニール袋で全体を覆い配送用の段ボールで包みます。 (The entire package is covered with two plastic bags for waterproofing purposes and wrapped in cardboard for shipping.)
■配送オプションでは5つから選べる2つに「下積み禁止」「天地無用」を設定します。 (Two of the five delivery options are set to "No Underloading" and "Tenchi Muyo".)
(There are times when we are unable to reply due to life circumstances.)
(The shipping period is set at "3-7days".)
(I do not smoke.)
(No animals.)
(I do not use perfume.)
(I have not had a disease, regardless of its severity, for at least ten years. I have never had any serious illnesses, such as infectious diseases or similar illnesses.)
(Shipping costs are borne by the seller (free of charge)).
(Anonymous delivery.)
(Please comment if you do not have free or anonymous shipping. We will change it.)
(Storage is done in a dark place along with moisture removal.)
(The entire package is covered with two plastic bags for waterproofing purposes and wrapped in cardboard for shipping.)
(Two of the five delivery options are set to "No Underloading" and "Tenchi Muyo".)