Xeon Platinum 8124M is a 64-bit 18-core x86 multi-socket highest performance server microprocessor introduced by Intel in 2017. This chip supports up to 8-way multiprocessing. The Platinum 8124M which is based on the server configuration of the Skylake microarchitecture and is manufactured on a 14 nm+ process sports 2 AVX-512 FMA units as well as three Ultra Path Interconnect links. This microprocessor which operates at 3 GHz with a TDP of 240W and a turbo boost frequency of up to 3.5 GHz (1 active core) and 3.4 GHz (2-9 active cores) supports up 1536 GiB of hexa-channel DDR4-2666 ECC memory.
As indicated by the M suffix this specific model supports double the memory capacity for up to 1.5 TiB per socket.
This specific model appears to be a custom model only for Amazon AWS.
Intel Xeon Platinum 8124M SRD1Y SR37R
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Xeon Platinum 8124M is a 64-bit 18-core x86 multi-socket highest performance server microprocessor introduced by Intel in 2017. This chip supports up to 8-way multiprocessing. The Platinum 8124M which is based on the server configuration of the Skylake microarchitecture and is manufactured on a 14 nm+ process sports 2 AVX-512 FMA units as well as three Ultra Path Interconnect links. This microprocessor which operates at 3 GHz with a TDP of 240W and a turbo boost frequency of up to 3.5 GHz (1 active core) and 3.4 GHz (2-9 active cores) supports up 1536 GiB of hexa-channel DDR4-2666 ECC memory.
As indicated by the M suffix this specific model supports double the memory capacity for up to 1.5 TiB per socket.
This specific model appears to be a custom model only for Amazon AWS.
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沖縄の場合日本向け特急便(佐川急便配送)のご利用では遠距離料金として別途3000円がかかりますのでご了承ください。当店はPCパーツ・周辺機器・ドローン周辺を販売する専門ショップです。DRONE POWER TECHNOLOGIESは、日本国内のみならず、海外からの輸入でもできるだけ短納期にて出荷できるよう常に心がけております。当店サイト上に表示されていなくてもお取り寄せ可能な商品もございますので、お問い合わせいただければと存じます。なお、追跡番号付の国際便または国内便で発送しております。